GRACE Schedule

GRACE Book Distribution
Thursday, January 16
9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

You may pick up your study book on Thursday January 16th in the MAC Building, Room 281 any time from 9:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.  We will NOT be having a Preview Brunch. We will have coffee and refreshments, if you would like to stay and visit when you come to pick up your book.

Childcare available for birth–age 5 To register your child for childcare, contact Denise Morris at [email protected].

Bible Study Schedule for Spring 2025 Semester
First week of Bible study: Thursday, January 23
Last week of Bible study: Thursday, April 10

9:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.   Bible Studies
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.  Refreshments, Fellowship, & Prayer
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.  Ministries

Register online and purchase your Bible study book

Bible Studies

 Where Do We Go From Here?
 by David Jeremiah  Led by Nancy Larkin  Cost: $10

Have you wondered how biblical prophecy relates to current events? Biblical prophecy helps us discover God’s purpose for all of the chaos around us. And in this new study guide, Where Do We Go From Here?, Dr. David Jeremiah looks at issues we are experiencing in our culture today and explains how they are linked to biblical prophecy. Along the way, he also provides practical ways to live with hope and courage in the face of these daunting times.

The topics we will be discussing are: 1. A Cultural Prophecy – Socialism, 2. An International Prophecy – Globalism, 3. A Biological Prophecy – Pandemic, 4. A Financial Prophecy – Economic Chaos, 5. A Theological Prophecy – The Falling Away, 6. A Biographical Prophecy – End Times People, 7. A Political Prophecy – Cancel Culture, 8. A Spiritual Prophecy – Spiritual Famine, 9. A Geographical Prophecy – Jerusalem, 10. The Final Prophecy – The Triumph of the Gospel. 

 Genesis: A Promise... The Blessings
 Led by Beverly Turner  Cost: $13

This 10 week study over Genesis chapters 12 through 50 will cover how God continues His plan to make Himself known through a treasured people.  We will learn of God’s covenant promise first given to Abraham, and then watch how that promise unfolds through the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph as each of them become a source of blessings for the whole world. 

For this study, participants will purchase the Inspire: Genesis book, which is a beautifully illustrated journal featuring many line-art illustrations and plenty of spaces for note-taking. This book will offer a creative way to engage with scripture, meditate on its teachings, and respond with practical applications.  Note: Participants who already purchased the Inspire: Genesis book for the Genesis: Back to the Beginning course covering the first 11 chapters of Genesis do not need to purchase an additional book.

 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Discovering Hope in a Promised Future
 by Dr. Sue Edwards  Led by Carol Duke  Cost: $12

Chaotic. Angry. Helpless. How often do we encounter these emotions when we look at the state of the world around us? It's tempting to despair. What kind of future can we look forward to when the world is so full of turmoil and division? Can the next world be any better?  Instead of turning to the world's answers to these questions, Sue Edwards invites us to look to Scripture. Though brief, Paul's letters to the Thessalonians are packed with nuggets of information to help us grasp what life after death will look like for followers of Christ. And it isn't sitting on clouds playing harps. Rather, it's dazzling, action-packed, relational, and free from pain and darkness. By focusing on the truths these short letters reveal, we are able to fill our spirits with real anticipation and courage. We can forge ahead, empowered by God's grace to bless and empower others, knowing the glorious heaven that awaits.  Edwards's clear style makes her Bible studies easy to understand for both newcomers and seasoned students of the Word. Her inductive approach provides enough direction to keep women on the path to biblical truth yet also asks them to find answers for themselves, an effective combination for a faith that sticks.


Prayer Blankets - Create and provide prayer blankets to those who are experiencing critical illness or sorrow. Led by Cheryl Rose. MAC Craft Room

Yarn Crafters
 - Make shawls, baby bonnets and booties, scarves, and crocheted necklaces for the homebound and care home residents, the Friendship House, and crisis pregnancy centers. Led by April Rouse. MAC Room 273
SONshine Ministry - Write cards of encouragement for church members who are homebound, suffering from an illness, grieving, or celebrating a birth. MAC Room 276
Take Care Ministry – Visit homebound members of our church to offer prayer and encouragement. 


Contact Women's Ministry

Register for Childcare

[email protected]

Registration required once at the start of the GRACE semester.

Register for Bible Study and/or Ministry

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