Reaching the Community
The people of FBC Garland live in a community with many needs. Those needs present opportunities to love our neighbors but also tell the story of Jesus. If you are seeking a chance to make a difference, take a look at our ministry opportunities. For questions, please contact the Missions Office at 972-276-7194, x288 (Teresa) or x233 (Jim).
Annie Armstrong Prayer for North American Missions 2025
Ukrainian Refugee Humanitarian Relief
Sponsor a Ukrainian Refugee Child For Christmas
This December, members of the FBCG Refugee team traveled to Czechia and Poland to minister to Ukrainian refugee children. Because of the economic needs, our team presented gifts to more than 850 Ukrainian refugee orphans and children. Your gift of $20 purchased gifts for a child. Thank you for your support for this ministry.
Donations to this ministry can be made year round. When choosing where your donation goes, please choose other and designate to Ukrainian Refugee Ministry. Thank you for your generosity. Please continue to pray for the refugee families, as they have been uprooted and are living in temporary housing. The weather conditions will be getting very cold this time of the year and we pray they will be able to continue to stay in the refugee centers throughout the winter months. Thanks again for praying. Please consider giving for Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child |
Ways to help year round:
- Pack a shoebox online for $25.
- Support OCC by making a donation toward shoebox shipping costs. (Why $10 for shipping?)
- For more information on what to pack in your shoebox, go to
Lottie Moon Week of Prayer for IMB Missionaries
Southern Baptists observe a Week of Prayer for International Missions each year before the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering® emphasis. Will you join your heart with others to pray for missionaries around the world who are faithfully sharing the gospel?
Ways to give: Visit or go to FBC Garland giving page and designate to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Thank you for your generosity!
Mary Hill Davis Week of Prayer for Texas Baptist Missions
Mary Hill Davis Offering advances Texas Baptists missions in leading people to know Christ and developing a missional lifestyle.
Here is a link to the 2024 MHD Prayer Guide. If you would like to learn more about MHD and Texas Missions,
Donate to Hope Clinic
Click Here to learn more about Hope Clinice of Garland and donate.
Friendship House Food Needs
Friendship House collects food each Friday morning.
Collection time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Thank you, church family, for your continued generosity. Please check back weekly on the FH Current Needs page for an updated list of specific food needs.
Visit the Friendship House page for Friendship House Highlights 2022
Missions 2020
Paraguay 2019
Additional Mission Trip Videos
Brazil 2018
Tanzania 2018
Madison, Wisconsin 2018
Romania 2017
New York 2017
Missions Blog
Read about our recent mission trips
Make a Mission Trip Payment
(For trips that you have already registered for and paid your deposit)