Our Purpose & Vision:
FBCG's Student Ministry exists to join with families in the spiritual nurture of students. We offer ministries focused on evangelism, discipleship, worship, fellowship, and missions. The vision God has given for our Student Ministry is to glorify God by serving others and is summarized by the phrase, "It's Not About Me."
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Matthew 20: 28
Our vision is to help in nurturing students to be passionate followers of Jesus who continue to follow Him throughout their lives.
Save the dates for future Student Ministry events:
- GALentine's Day Brunch: February 15
- Reality Apologetics Conference: February 21-22
Events Coming Soon:
Spring Break High School Mission Trip: March 15-19
High School Choir Mission Trip: May 31-June 6
Middle School Choir Mission Trip: May 31-June 4
Vacation Bible School: June 9-12
Super Summer: June 16-20
Youth Camp: June 23-27
Student Ministry Staff
Check out the Student Ministry Newsletter:

Looking to serve?
Interested in leading a Sunday School small group, mentoring in Deeper Discipleship, or helping out at Wednesday night Refuge?
You can email Alyson Davidson for more information on how you can serve God by serving students!
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You can also sign up to be an adult volunteer for REFUGE!