PARENT UNIVERSITY: Equipping the Primary Disciple Makers
Parents and Grandparents- as the primary disciple-makers for your children, God has entrusted you to pass along your faith to the next generation and to lay a foundation of Truth for your children. That is a HUGE responsibility but it is our joy to walk alongside you as you lead your family. Parent University will offer trainings, resources, and conferences to equip you to make disciples in your home.
Sign up begins on Saturday, February 8th for the first Parent University Event!
Upcoming Parent University Events
Tech Talk Resources
What steps can my family take to keep technology in its proper place?
How can I protect my child from the dangers of social media?
What impact is technology having on my child’s development?
What impact is technology having on my own heart?
2019 Common Apps
15 Apps every parent needs to know about
An Invitation to the Tech-Wise Family Challenge
Gaming Safely
How to turn off your WiFi at night
Internet Safety Contract
Internet Safety Plan
Mobile Kids Tips
Monitoring Apps
Social Media and Internet Safety Resources
Take the rest quiz
The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch
Screens and Teens by Dr. Kathy Koch