Super Summer 2025
Students in Grades 7-12 (Completed),
I would like you to prayerfully consider attending Super Summer Leadership Training Camp from June 16 - 20, 2025. Super Summer is the premiere leadership training opportunity for students from Texas Baptist churches. Students (from grades 7-12) who have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and who have a desire to grow in their leadership abilities will benefit from the powerful experiences of Bible study, worship, prayer, fellowship, and leadership development that Super Summer offers. This is an opportunity for our students to join together with hundreds of students from other Texas Baptist churches to sharpen our leadership skills in ways that we can put into practice right here in our church and our community!
Our registration for Super Summer 2025 is currently OPEN. CLICK HERE to register. Please email Alyson Davidson if you have any questions.
Here are a few things that you need to know about Super Summer:
- Super Summer is NOT Youth Camp. FBCG Youth Camp takes place the week AFTER Super Summer… (Youth Camp is June 23-27...and it is going to be AWESOME!!!)
- Super Summer is a week of structured and focused leadership training for 7th-12 Grade students who will also be attending FBCG Youth Camp. If you can only attend one of these two weeks (Youth Camp or Super Summer), then you should choose to attend Youth Camp.
- Super Summer is intended for students who have already declared Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. It is a leadership training opportunity for Christian students who want to grow in their walk with the Lord and develop the leadership skills and potential that God has given them. Students who are not already committed to Christ and pursuing servant leadership responsibilities in our Student Ministry may find themselves overwhelmed by the active and highly disciplined schedule of Super Summer.
- The cost to attend Super Summer for FBCG students is $120. When you go to, you will discover that the actual cost per student is between $250-$300. The reason that the cost for FBCG students is so much lower is that our Student Ministry has made the choice to heavily subsidize the registration cost for each student from our church. We consider our students’ participation in the ministry of Super Summer to be an investment in the student leadership of our Student Ministry, so we have made plans to help give our leadership students the financial ability to attend.
- Students at Super Summer will stay in college dormitories on the campus of Dallas Baptist University. Students will share a room with other students of the same gender and grade level. If there are students of the same gender and grade level who are from the same church, then it is most likely that those students will share a room together.
- In the past, there has been approximately 400—500 students from other Baptist churches across the state of Texas who were in attendance at our session of Super Summer. This is a great place to make friends with other students from across the state who love Jesus and are trying to grow deeper in their walk with Him.
If you are interested in attending Super Summer this year, here is what to do:
- Pray! Seek God's direction for the possibility of your involvement in the ministry of Super Summer.
- A $60 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT IS DUE IN ORDER TO SIGN UP BY SUNDAY, March 26. Credit and debit is accepted.
To register, click on the button at the top, right-side of this page. The final payment of $60 is due by Sunday, May 4.
Scholarships are available and will be awarded based on highest need. Please email Alyson Davidson to discuss financial needs. - Check out the details about Super Summer Session 1 at Dallas Baptist University by visiting
The promise of Super Summer is: “Send us your best, and we’ll send them back better!”
I am so excited about the ways that God is moving within our Student Ministry! If Super Summer sounds like something you want to be involved in, then sign up TODAY!!!
Press On,
Michael Murrie
P.S. This will be the only session of Super Summer that is taking place this summer and nearly 2,000 people have already requested information about it. There are only about 500 spots available, so it will be in your best interest to sign up quickly! If you sign up by Wednesday, March 26, we can secure your spot.