Sunday Morning Sermons
Dr. Greg Ammons, Senior Pastor
Sunday, April 2, 2023
What does a follower of Jesus Christ look like? This question is answered in the greatest sermon ever preached. The Sermon on the Mount. This sermon delivered by Jesus Himself contains some of the most frequently quoted and best-known sayings of Christ. Hear Dr. Greg Ammons, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Garland, each Sunday morning beginning January 29 as he examines this powerful sermon.
Zechariah Bible Study
Had God forgotten His people? No. In fact, He sent them a prophet whose name meant “Yahweh remembers.” Zechariah was an Old Testament prophet of the priestly lineage sent to encourage and inform God’s people. Through 8 visions, 4 messages, and 2 burdens, Zechariah encouraged the Israelites to rebuild God’s Temple and then anticipate the coming of Israel’s Messiah. Known as the Old Testament “Revelation,” Zechariah prophesied God’s words boldly.
Join Senior Pastor Dr. Greg Ammons as he walks through all 211 verses each Wednesday night at the First Baptist Church of Garland beginning January 11, 2023
Revelation Verse by Verse - Wednesday Night Bible Study
It is one of the most fascinating books of the Bible. Revelation. You simply mention the name and people are interested. In this powerful revelation given to the apostle John, God revealed some important aspects of the future which He wants us to know. Dr. Greg Ammons unpacks Revelation, verse by verse.
Moses Speaks Today
What would Moses say to our culture today if he were alive? The powerful words of Deuteronomy 4 would most likely be at the top of the list. Beginning July 24, Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, will begin an 8-week Sunday morning sermon series, verse-by-verse, through this powerful chapter. List to what Moses would speak to our day.
Ancient of Days
God has always been with His people even during the most difficult days. And God has always empowered specific people in the middle of these difficult days. Daniel was a young man whom the Lord used powerfully when his nation needed him the most. Dr. Greg Ammons, will present the drama of Daniel each Sunday morning, chapter by chapter, in a sermon series entitled, “Ancient of Days.” This fascinating series will show how God was with the Israelites when the days looked the darkest. Are you the next Daniel?
Point of No Return
It was the moment that it all changed for Jesus. From this one point on, the cross loomed ahead. The key moment beyond any return was Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ. What happened immediately is of key importance to us. This serries examines what happened immediately after Peter’s confession and why it is important to us.
Looking for a Leader
The nation was divided. Issues had fractured them. Their spiritual life was waning. This was the world into which the prophet, Samuel, entered. Yet, God used him to bring healing and project Israel forward into its glory years. How did he do it? Lessons we learn from Samuel can help us to do the same in our world. Dr. Greg Ammons, Senior Pastor of FBC, Garland, will begin a 6-week Sunday morning sermon series on September 26 studying the life of Samuel.
Jesus A Portrait - Wednesday Night Bible Study
Can you get a true picture of a person simply by what they say? Well, maybe not with ordinary people, but Jesus was no ordinary Man. Each Wednesday evening at 6:15 p.m., Senior Pastor Dr. Greg Ammons will teach through the Gospel of John. This Gospel gives us a portrait of Jesus primarily through what He said. Plan to attend in-person or vitually and see how what the words of Jesus impact our culture today as they show us a clear picture of Himself.
Christmas Living
You have heard about Christmas giving but what about Christmas living? How are we to live in light of the Incarnation? Beginning November 28, Dr. Greg Ammons, Senior Pastor of FBCG, will preach a Sunday Morning Series entitled, “Christmas Living.” Pastor Greg will cover practical ways to honor God this Christmas season.
Six Hours
They are the most pivotal six hours in history. During this time frame, Jesus of Nazareth took the punishment of the world upon Himself. What did this entail? To what extent did He suffer in our place? Join us each Sunday morning as Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, examines carefully the final six hours of Jesus' earthly life before His death.
And They Lifted Up Their Eyes
Have you ever thought about how many times that Bible uses the phrase “… and they lifted up their eyes”? Is the phrase just a detail to a story or is there meaning into why the Bible uses this phrase so often? Beginning Sunday morning, April 11, FBCG Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, will begin a sermon series which looks at the various times in the Bible in which this phrase is used. Perhaps there is a message God wants us to hear from this simple phrase in these complicated, challenging days of 2021.
Jesus A Portrait - Wednesday Night Bible Study
What did Jesus look like? Can we get a picture of Him by what He did? The Gospel of Mark is the account of Jesus which records primarily His actions. Beginning January 27, Dr. Greg Ammons, FBCG Senior Pastor, will teach through the Gospel of Mark and paint a portrait of how Jesus looked by studying His actions.
The Age of Outrage
Outrage. It often describes the age in which we live in 2021. Outrage also defined the crowds in Scripture. On Sunday, January 17, Dr. Greg Ammons, will begin a sermon series entitled, “The Age of Outrage.” He will examine 8 times in the Bible when an angry mob is mentioned and what we can learn today. God often works His best when the crowd is at its worst.
The Words of Christmas
Sunday Mornings & Mid-Week, December 6-24
Six words helped change the world. Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, discusses the wonderful words of Christmas each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening this month. The final message will be on Thursday, December 24, for our online Christmas Eve Lord's Supper service. (No Bible Study on Wednesday, December 23 or 30 due to the holidays)
Wednesday, September 9-December 2, 2020
Exile. Just the word conjures images of separation, loneliness, and despair. Israel experienced exile in the Old Testament. Christians have experienced exile during the COVID-19 pandemic. How did the Israelites rebuild their lives after the Exile? Actually, the Bible tells us. Their actions teach us some valuable lessons as we rebuild after some tumultuous weeks of 2020.
Beginning September 9, Dr. Greg Ammons will teach a weekly Bible study entitled, “Rebuilding” at the First Baptist Church of Garland. The study will recount the rebuilding efforts of the Israelites after the Exile in the Old Testament and offer insight into how we rebuild in our day as well. The study will begin at 6:15 p.m. each Wednesday.
Sunday, September 13-November 29, 2020
How do you view the world? Are we all merely products of what we were taught while growing up? Once we are born-again, are we to think differently?
Actually, everyone has a worldview. Everyone thinks, believes, and values in particular ways. Christians are to think, believe, and value in a different way. This is called a Christian worldview. But, why is seeing through the lens of a Christian worldview so important?
Beginning September 13, Dr. Greg Ammons will answer these and other questions in the sermon series, “Worldview: Think Biblically. Act Accordingly.” The series will continue each Sunday morning through the Fall at First Baptist Church Garland.
How Would Jesus Pray Today?
Sunday, July 5-July 26
We are certainly living in some challenging times. If Jesus were here in person, how would He pray for our day? What specifically would He pray for today? John 17 may just give us some clues. Just before the cross, Jesus prayed the greatest prayer ever prayed in John 17.
Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, examines this powerful chapter closely to see how Jesus would pray for today’s world.
"Old Favorites...A New Day" Sermon Series
Jesus Among Other Beliefs
Sunday, February 2-March 8
Why is Jesus’ message unique among other belief systems today? How are His teachings similar and how are they unique to other belief systems of our day? Why is Jesus’ claim to the only way to heaven important? Are all other beliefs wrong? If so, why? Dr. Greg Ammons answers these and other questions in a 6-week Sunday morning sermon series entitled, “Jesus Among Other Beliefs.” Series Messages
What Does Forgiveness Look Like?
Wednesday, February 5-April 8, 2020
What does forgiveness look like? It is a wonderful idea but how does forgiveness look when it becomes a practical reality for you? In his book, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis said, “Everyone thinks forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive.” Dr. Greg Ammons teaches the book of Philemon in a verse-by-verse study entitled, “What Does Forgiveness Look Like?” Winter 2020 Wednesday Bible Study
What The Prophets Saw In Christmas
What were the Old Testament prophets expecting Christmas to be like? What were they looking for in the coming of the Messiah hundreds of years before Jesus was born? Senior Pastor, Dr. Greg Ammons, preaches through a Christmas sermon series that looks at what these Godly men of the past saw in Baby Jesus to come. Celebrate this Christmas in a new, fresh way by looking back hundreds of years and rejoicing with those who knew Jesus so well. December 2019 series
Mountains: 8-Week Series
What do you do whenever you have a mountain in your life? We usually dread these rugged peaks. Have you ever considered that God may use mountains in powerful, positive ways in your life? On eight different occasions in the Gospels, we are told that Jesus encountered mountains. Senior Pastor Dr. Greg Ammons looks at all eight of these times from the life of Jesus to see how we deal with mountains of our own. Sometimes we climb them. Sometimes we cross them. Sometimes we move them. Fall 2019 series
Asking for a Friend: 8-Week Series
Are there questions you have always wondered but did not really want to ask? Maybe you have questions about why Christians believe as they do on a subject. Perhaps you wonder what the Bible actually says about a particular topic. If you could get a friend to ask the question, you would be interested in hearing the answer. Dr. Greg Ammons will answer some of these tough questions in an 8-week sermon series entitled, “Asking for a Friend.” Spring 2019 series
How Was Jesus Known?: Sermon Series
How was Jesus known among the people of His day? What was it about Him that made the crowds flock to Him and the common person love Him? What can we learn from the way in which Jesus approached the people of His day? One phrase in one verse of the Bible gives us a clue. Dr. Greg Ammons takes a look at a powerful phrase in John 1:14 to answer these vital questions. February 2019 series
Sermon Archive