High School Spring Break Mission Trip 2025

Date: March 15-19, 2025

Location: Rio Grande Valley

Sign Up:  To sign up, click on the Rio Grande Valley, Texas logo to the right. After registering online, you will receive a confirmation with a link to Buckner International. You will need to click on the link to create an account and register with Buckner International as well. Your registration is not complete until the Buckner forms are completed. The trip is limited to the first 25 high school students who register. Registration deadline is February 23. Cost: $125

Details: We will be staying at the Melody Lane Christian Renewal Center in Palmview, TX. With the help of Buckner Family Hope Centers, we will be doing construction to provide homes for families to have access to a safe and healthy home, leading to lasting change in the family’s social and emotional well-being. Our team will also be hosting a Vacation Bible School for the kids on spring break in the valley. You will have to register with Buckner after signing up with us.
Buckner Registration: Coming soon

Contact: Alyson Davidson, 972-276-7194, x284, or [email protected]

Help us build the house we will take south with us on Saturday mornings leading up to Spring Break. Click here to visit our build site for more information!

